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Galen Mook inspires and informs at FFBW Annual Meeting

Galen Mook, Director of MassBike, a statewide biking advocacy organization, was the speaker at the FFBW Annual Meeting on April 17. He gave an informative account of new legislation to protect vulnerable road users such as pedestrians and bikers, and to define and regulate e-bikes. He also talked about the importance of bike advocacy.

Above: Patty Johnson and Katherine "KJ" Jansen admire one of 8 panels created by the Falmouth High School Honors Art class. The panels depict local birds, and will join other panels created by previous years' classes on the back of Mid-Cape Home.

Galen Mook, Rep. Dylan Fernandes, and Alison Leschen enjoy pre-meeting mingling time. Rep. Fernandes addressed the audience briefly about his support for biking legislation.

Would you like a e-bike for exercise, transportation or commuting, but can't afford one? Learn about the Massachusetts e-bike rebate program here.

The Bike Lab is back! It's now located in the shed at Teaticket Park, thanks in part to The 300 Committee, which leased the building to the Bike Lab for $1 per year. You can donate old bikes or bike parts, and volunteers will help kids, J-1 workers, or anyone in need to refurbish a bike, which they then get for free for their own use. This year FFBW donated $1000 to the Bike Lab to purchase lights and other safety equipment for J-1 summer workers. These folks spend the summers working at local businesses, usually with only bikes for transportation, and they often commute during dark hours.

Lawrence Bike-to-School Day a big success!

102 students and a dozen staff biked to school on Friday, May 24! Thanks to all who participated, and to Falmouth Police Department for their help and Corner Cycle for doing repairs at lunchtime.

Teaticket School holds first Bike/walk/roll to school! 13 kids and 5 volunteers participated.

Wounded Warrior Ride

About a hundred Wounded Warriors enjoyed a beautiful ride on the Shining Sea Bikeway today. They were enthusiastically cheered on along the way by lots of people, including a busload of schoolkids. It was a great sight to see.

The Bike Lab is open Tuesday evenings for bike drop off ONLY. It's open Thursday evenings (6:30-9pm) to work on and get bikes.